Sabtu, 10 September 2011

5 Super Effective Tips To Kill Depression

Failed the exam, a breakup or widowed people who are very close can make people feel very upset and depressed. In certain circumstances, depression can become fatal.There are tips on effective so as not slumped because of depression.
Some people must have felt depressed. But if left unchecked, depression can cause a fatal thing, such as destroying self-esteem, mental health and mental damage, as well as disrupt the well-being.
Reporting from the, Tuesday (20/07/2010), there are 5 tips that can effectively treat depression:
1. Let your body gets enough light and sunshineLack of exposure to sunlight will trigger more of the hormone melatonin. These hormones can trigger feelings of despair and depression.
The hormone melatonin out if someone is in a dark room. Most melatonin can lower body temperature and make people weak.
If people who are depressed are always cooped up in the room with the curtains closed, it will be difficult for him to overcome depression.
2. Busied themselvesWith busy, people will be inspired to do better. It would be more likely to cope with depression. Try to do activities that are preferred, such as walking leisurely in the park, exercising, reading books or engaging in any activity that can excite and make the heart glad.
Set meaningful goals in life. With this kind of positive attitude, you will reach a cheerful disposition to beat the feeling of despair and depression.
3. Get enough rest and relaxation timeListen to soothing music, soak in warm water or a massage to relax the muscles can reduce depression effectively.
4. Eat healthy and stay fitAvoid foods that contain lots of sugar, caffeine, or alcohol. Sugar and caffeine can give you instant energy, but will bring anxiety, tension and internal problems.
While alcohol is a depressant. Many people will drink alcohol to forget their problems.But it actually only aggravate the condition.
Exercising regularly is a destroyer of depression, because it allows the body to produce more endorphins than usual. Endorphins are sometimes called 'happy chemicals' because it can reduce stress and natural drivers of happiness.
5. Moral support and socialize with the people closest to the environmentFamily, friends, neighbors and even friends are the ones who can give moral support to you. Spending time and engaging in worthwhile activities with people nearby can provide a very satisfying feeling.
Never underestimate the power of touch. Embrace or a hug from the people closest can be a potent drug that can relieve stress and 'kill' depression.
Moreover, love and close relationships with family and friends, can boost the immune system and ward off all diseases. Also can make you feel more secure, comfortable and happy.

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