Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Beware of Sugar & Air Pollution Threat to Your Health in 2011

Air pollution as a result of the growing number of motor vehicles is expected to be a health threat in 2011. In addition, unhealthy eating patterns, including excessive sugar kosumsi also still need to watch out.
Immediate and longer-term impact of air pollution will be a lot happening in the respiratory tract. Meanwhile, an unhealthy diet is a risk factor for various metabolic disturbances including fatty liver.
More, Dr. L Toruan Phaidon, MM, healthy living expert detikHealth when contacted on Friday (30/12/2010), describes several factors that may potentially lead to health problems in 2011:
1. Polluting vehiclesThe absence of efforts to limit the number of motor vehicles will have an impact on increasing emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) and other pollutants that would contaminate the air. The immediate impact could be felt among other acute respiratory infections (ARI), shortness of breath and allergies.
While the indirect impact is the threat of free radicals caused by pollutants such. When entering the blood and binds with cholesterol, free radicals will form plaques on the walls of blood vessels that can lead to blockage. The risk is very diverse, ranging from heart attack, stroke until the most feared men that erectile dysfunction.
2. Unhealthy dietUnhealthy eating patterns lately shown among others by the national sugar consumption reached 17 kg / capita / year, 9 kg of them for their household needs. Whereas consumption of sugar in large quantities is not recommended, because the sharp particles can injure blood vessels.
Another effect is the increase in blood sugar levels, which if the results are not accommodated metaboliemenya in muscle tissue it will be stacked on another network termauk liver. The result is a fatty liver (fatty liver) and the effects are in general metabolic disorders, including elevated levels of cholesterol and uric acid.
3. CigaretteAir pollution comes not only caused by motor vehicles, but also tobacco smoke from smokers in 2003 the number reached 57 percent of the population of Indonesia. Next year the estimated numbers are increasing because the tobacco industry to market their products more and more creative.
Incessant cigarette was considered successful product innovation to create a product that seemed healthy, such as low tar and nicotine cigarettes. And as is known, other than tar and nicotine there are still hundreds of harmful toxins contained in cigarette smoke.
4. CarcinogensBoth air pollution and unhealthy eating patterns are equally able to increase the risk of cancer. Air pollution contains a variety of free radicals, while the consumption of sugar and bad cholesterol can affect the hormonal conditions that are equally able to trigger cancer.
Vegetable oil even if heated at high temperatures will change into a form that is evil trans fats, which in women can increase production of estrogen hormones.  This hormone functions to stimulate tissue growth in the female organs, if the excess beWill Become Uncontrolled growth and cancerous.This hormone functions to stimulate tissue growth in the female organs, if the excess beWill Become Uncontrolled growth and cancerous.

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